Our team of trusted advisors will work with you from initial consultation, assessment, design and implementation/live use to ensure a successful project.

We aim to integrate our cross-industry HR domain expertise-driven services with the technology solutions and data analytics platforms provided by our partners to deliver the best outcomes to the client. 

  • Advise clients on performance and health transformations, improving performance, changing culture, boosting organizational agility, improving organizational design, and building leadership and frontline capabilities.
  • Examine and optimize workforce capabilities that deliver business outcomes and value.
  • Advise on how to strengthen talent-management capabilities.
  • Advise on collective bargaining negotiation, contract implementation strategy, strike avoidance and developing and maintaining optimal union-management relationships, union prevention strategy and rebuilding relationships post-strike, post-organizing activity.
  • Provide guidance with complex European Staff and Works Councils consultation
  • Advise clients on M&A, divestiture and joint venture deal cycle due diligence, separation (including effects bargaining) and integration.
  • Transition and streamline policies (e.g. harassment, drug testing, absenteeism) to ensure relevancy, meet compliance standards and promote risk mitigation.
  • Develop interactive gaming modules to train employees on critical policies.
  • Having over 15 years of experience of deep HR experience and our partners working with the leading technologies, we have developed a reputation of helping customers succeed when their projects did not go originally as planned.
  • Whether it be scope creep, misaligned HR strategy or failed change management, we welcome clients who want a second go at getting things right.
  • All our customers are supported with various options where our team provides post implementation support. Whether its a few hours a week, block time arrangements are pre-planned in advance – we can support your implementation remotely or by coming onsite.

Remember, even the fastest Ferrari requires a routine oil change to maintain top performance standards.